How to move on…

A lot of us are going through a difficult time one way or another.

My week has been peppered with sleepless nights of frustration and fear.

There were several reasons for that. One of them was due to the fact that the lady who administered my second Covid-19 vaccine a few weeks ago failed to update my immunization record at the time.

Despite several phone calls to the State vaccination authority, we couldn’t get my immunisation record updated. This means, as far as the authorities are concerned, I’m not fully vaccinated. I had a feeling of helplessness.

  • What if I have to travel overseas to visit my parents (they are elderly after all).
  • What if they institute rules against unvaccinated people? (there is talk of Vaccine passport in Australia right now).
  • What if…

I was angry. Angry at the woman, angry at the bureaucracy, and angry at everything. Why me? You can picture where I was heading. I was chained to an event causing anger and frustration. I needed to turn it around.


Forgiving is the key to unlock the chains that tie us to any situation we desperately want to escape from.

In this instance, I had to give up (or kill) the idea that people cannot make a mistake (especially for my vaccine!)

Of course, the idea that people cannot make mistakes just doesn’t work in the real world. After my vaccine provider giving jabs to hundreds of people, it’s predictable that an administrative error might occur. It’s unfortunate that it happened to me but human errors are unavoidable.

Life is full of these little or big dramas. In the middle of this difficult period, we may have a bundle of anxiety, worry and fear.

What other ideas or beliefs do we have to kill off to unlock the chains that tie ourselves to suffering?




Hi, my name is Songy, your Personal Brand Coach & Photographer. I help you create a brand that represents who you are and what you do so that you can grow your business. I’ve moved well away from thoughts of having the ‘wrong’ personality or being an introvert, and now I’m helping everyone who is not comfortable being visible to become visible and flourish in the marketplace. My clients love my direct, no-nonsense approach, my off-beat sense of humour and my caring nature. Connect with me by signing up to receive my weekly marketing insights and personal branding secrets.

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