3 Steps to Personal Branding

Professional women often worry that personal branding is somehow linked to loud and blatant self promotion.

This misconception is costing them. Why?

While they believe their work should speak for itself, their competitors run circles around them, not with ‘better’ work but with superior personal branding.

It took me a number of years to develop but once I got it I’ve been able to help countless professional women debunk the personal branding myth and very effectively guide them through creating their own strong and sustainable personal brand.

It happens in 3 simple steps.

  1. Inner work
  2. Outer appearance
  3. Capture

Inner work
You need to have some reflection time during your inner work. You come to understand your values, who you’re trying to serve and what value you create for those people. You also get to know how others perceive you.

3 Outer appearance
You receive some expert advice on how to look your best, starting with your personal colour analysis, styling, and understanding your environment.

The last part is the fun part of me – capturing you in inner and outer harmony.

The best result is created when you’re present all the way through. You own the process. It’s your time to reflect, consolidate and embody.

I’m there as a guide but it’s you who benefits from being present. I am not there to force you to become someone who you’re not.

The Personal Branding process I designed will help you become more confident and congruent about who you are and what you do.




Hi, my name is Songy, your Personal Brand Coach & Photographer. I help you create a brand that represents who you are and what you do so that you can grow your business. I’ve moved well away from thoughts of having the ‘wrong’ personality or being an introvert, and now I’m helping everyone who is not comfortable being visible to become visible and flourish in the marketplace. My clients love my direct, no-nonsense approach, my off-beat sense of humour and my caring nature. Connect with me by signing up to receive my weekly marketing insights and personal branding secrets.

Your face. Your story. Your brand.

A personal brand playbook for professionals

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