What you see is all there is

What you see is all there is
—from Thinking Fast and Slow By Daniel Kahneman


Apparently we are not that rational
and we make snap judgements
merely based on what we see.

There’s a saying:

Don’t judge a book by its cover.

Trouble is we absolutely judge everything by the cover.

What we see is all there is to us.

What is your cover telling everyone?




Hi, my name is Songy, your Personal Brand Coach & Photographer. I help you create a brand that represents who you are and what you do so that you can grow your business. I’ve moved well away from thoughts of having the ‘wrong’ personality or being an introvert, and now I’m helping everyone who is not comfortable being visible to become visible and flourish in the marketplace. My clients love my direct, no-nonsense approach, my off-beat sense of humour and my caring nature. Connect with me by signing up to receive my weekly marketing insights and personal branding secrets.

Your face. Your story. Your brand.

A personal brand playbook for professionals

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