My book How do you want to BE SEEN – A personal brand playbook for professionals is due to be published on 8 June 2021.
The question to ask ourselves is how do we establish a personal brand that is truly us and truly authentic? I wrote the book to answer that very question.
In the book, I use The SEEN Framework, which is the systematic method I developed to build my own brand and I’ve used it to help many others do the same.
It first starts with SELF Discovery. I often shock people by saying that your brand building isn’t about You – However, your journey of building your personal brand starts with YOU. At this stage, we not only work on understanding our personality but also our behavioural preferences (understanding how ours is different from others). We also start recognising and actively rewriting the internal narrative that is oftentimes not very constructive.
Once our inner work is on the right track, we look outwards to embrace our audience. Who are we seeking to serve? How do we niche ourselves so that we get to find and serve those we truly want to serve with enthusiasm and passion. We also get to deeply understand our audience and come to speak their language so that we can make change happen with our brand.
The third stage is about enhancing our brand image. This is an area that many people mistakenly put their sole focus on. We work on our inner self before we stress about how we look to the outside world. Here in the ‘enhance stage’ I share a quick and easy way to define a style that suits your personality and your lifestyle, and we crack the code of looking good with your personal colours.
The last stage of New You is all about sharing your domain knowledge with winning style – two fundamental aspects of your brand are your ability to speak and write about what you stand for. Here I give you an antidote to the age-old block most of us have – imposter syndrome and that little voice in our head that tells us no one cares about what we have to say. NEW You is about stepping outside that discomfort to bravely help the people we seek to serve.
The SEEN Framework is an iterative process that we can use as an anchor and an ongoing guide to keep us on track and continue our journey in solidifying our personal brand.
Intrigued? Check out my book How Do You Want to BE SEEN. It’s available where books are sold online.
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