Everything seems to be moving at lightening speed. Messages arrive instantaneously. Things I order from a far away land get here within a few days. Often, I find myself getting agitated because things don’t happen fast enough.
Lately, however, I came to realise and accept the simple fact that some things just take time. It applies to many things, especially when one creates and puts work down as part of creative processes which could take weeks, months or years.
Since 2015, I’ve been privileged enough to attend and observe assessment classes of students who were preparing for their graduate fashion shows. Watching undergraduate students from ECU’s Fashion & Textile program create their collections of garments really let me see how creative processes work and just how long it takes to produce a robust collection that is worthy of a fashion show. Discussions of concepts and ideas of students work make fertile ground for my own inspirations.

The two students – Rena and Danielle – I picked out from last year’s class, with whom I collaborated in photo shoots, are those who challenged and inspired me a great deal.
As much as I would like to do everything fast and get things over and done with within seconds… truly good things just take time.
I’ll do another couple of blog posts on ideas/concepts getting across to look-book shoots and the result although some of you might have already seen it.