I love connecting the dots, do you?
The late Steve Jobs once said:
You cannot connect the dots looking forward. Only looking back.
I’m not the most motivated person in January. I love lounging around, reading books and enjoy not working. Only when I get bored with all that I can get back to work to start the New Year.
It is taking a long time to get bored this time around, so it took some extra motivation for me to complete the review of 2019.
Why a review rather than a plan? A few reasons, but I’ll list three.
1️⃣ I want to feel great first. My default state is ‘not enough’. From my experience, reviewing gives me a realistic picture of how great the previous year was.
2️⃣ A review gives me a jumping-off point for planning. This is my past experience coming in. As a project manager, I would always look for the previous records – if available – to see if my plan is likely to work or not.
3️⃣ The mere act of reviewing highlights moments of gratitude and people to thank. Nothing I do is done alone. In that sense, it is critical to recognise the people to thank.
The photo above is the capture of the review I finished this morning (literally).
Are you convinced enough?
Doing this kind of review would be useful whether you run a business or not. You’ll gain benefits either way.
Sending you love.