What does the term ‘personal branding’ remind you of?
If the thought of self-promotion popped into your mind, then you’re not alone.
And perhaps that leaves you with something of a yucky taste in your mouth.
I’d like to give you a slightly different frame to view personal brand building.
The aim of doing the work that is required to build a strong brand isn’t to promote yourself or even your work. The brand-building work begins with the humility to understand that we are not for everyone and that we do the work for the people who will “get” us, understand what we do, and appreciate what we offer. We make it easy for them to remember what we stand for.
In other words, we do the work of brand building as a community service.
We do it to make it easy for (your) people to understand what you are about and we do it unapologetically.
– I suggest that you view your Personal Brand Building as a community service.
With that frame in mind, you can be free from any negative association you might have had earlier around the notion of ‘personal brand’.
When it is a community service, any resistance towards doing all the work that matters could be seen as somewhat selfish.
I’m asking you to stop being selfish.
With your community in mind, I’m sure you can be braver and get cracking with your own brand building.
Sending you love from Perth, Western Australia.