Your face. Your story. Your brand.

A personal brand playbook for professionals based on The SEEN Framework®

Personal Brand Coaching & Photography

Helping you build a brand so that you can grow your business.

I want to take my business to the next level.

Do these sound familiar?

Let's face it. You are the face of your brand. It is time to stop hiding behind your 'business' hoping for the best.

You've worked too hard not to have a great brand.

Your visibility is more important than your ability

Visibility increases your credibility

a better brand means better clients and a profitable business

Peter Montoya

The Author of “the Brand Called You”

Work With Personal Brand Specialist

What Makes Songy So Different?

If you feel awkward and worried about how you look in your photos I can help you bring out the best version of you.

I take great care of getting to know my clients intimately so that they can be at ease.

The biggest difference is that I’ll coach you before your photoshoot so that you’re totally ready not simply logistically but psychologically.

If you want to know a little more about me you could follow me on Instagram, read the about page or watch coaching video clips on YouTube.

What's the story?

Your customers will get to know, like and trust you. The result? You’ll get to earn what you’re worth with the right client.
You will become a woman who can market her business authentically to make positive changes for the people she seeks to serve. 
Your brand becomes an extension of you representing who you are and what you do. Having the courage to say YES to building your brand can be a complete game-changer!
No more fear driven frantic marketing tactics. With your growing confidence, your brand will take your business to the next level.

It is time to show up with your authentic brand & start earning what you deserve.
You need more than just photos...

Songy's 6-Step Brand Build Mastery

Songy's based in Perth, Western Australia and branding photo service is only available here in Perth.

However, Songy has clients all over the world thanks to her signature Brand Build Mastery program.

If you're ready to level up your with branding game, check out Brand Build Mastery.

Brand Build Mastery is built on Songy's ground breaking process The SEEN Framework ®.
What Now?

Your Next Step

Imagine having a brand that you're:

With a great brand, you’ll find more of the right client, earn more and be respected for your expertise!
(Fear) holding you back?

I invite you to join us, empowered independent and capable women who danced with that same fear and got the result they wanted. 

They all had similar fear yet they took action so it is now your turn. I’ll be guiding you every step of the way.

Request your free consultation and start your brand building today.
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